Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Today my husband gave me a present....

I found a turquoise cabochon from Kingman, Arizona on  an online shop and sent away for it.  My Love made me the most beautiful bracelet to embrace the stone that now sits on my wrist for our anniversary.  He is studying to be a metal smith so he crafted it as one of his first projects. I love it with all my heart and the bracelet will now reside on my wrist for the rest of my days.

Kingman is where we spent one night the first week of our first date.  It was hot, dry and dusty as we waited for a train to take us to California.  I sat between his legs at the train station watching the night roll by, wondering if he'd be back to see me again after we would depart from each other two days later.  Him to Australia, me back to Wisconsin.  I remember hugging his legs wondering if he knew how special he was to me.  Thoughts could not be put into words that evening and instead I embraced hope and held tight to belief.

I love him more every single day.  


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Is It Time To Post Again?

I guess that I am being a bit slack on this promise to myself that I would write again.  It always rears its ugly head on certain days, especially when I am constructing conspiracy theories about people I work with in my facility.  Mentally, it is how I get through the day.

This is the other thing that gets me through my day...Coming home to this glass thing.  My husband thinks its a vegetable dish for the refrigerator, I think it's a display container for Splenda and yet others have tilted their heads with amazement wondering what this precious thing is.  For all of two dollars, I have the best looking mystery glass thing ever.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Cabin

So here I start after an attempt to create my first entry failed over a month ago, I will now TRY AGAIN.  This post is about the cabin that is featured in the first part of my blog.  You see, it was my escape from reality for one week.  A solar powered, off the grid, bit of heaven nestled in Decorah Iowa.  No TV, no technology, nothing but pure sweet silence and an occasional animal snort.

People like me need this.  In a world in which we don't do well with at times, it is a perfect spot to decompress.  A place out in the middle of nowhere with only the person you love and coffee....Heaven

Heaven can only last so long unfortunately.  That was in January and almost eight months later I miss it more than I ever thought I could miss a place.  I keep wondering if I can ever recapture the feeling of complete contentment and relaxation that comes with knowing that there is no clocks, no deadlines, no lists, no obligations.  Only having to worry about water and fire.

Maybe it's time for a walk in the woods.